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- You can enter a first name, last name, or partial name to find a therapist by name.
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- You can filter results without specifically searching for a therapist name or location. Simply chose the categories or specialties you would like to filter on.
- Results will automatically page, with 12 therapist entries per page. Use the convenient pagination links to explore more results in your search.
Abbigail Putt
No therapist details provided
Abbigail Putt
Abigail Garrett
No therapist details provided
Abigail Garrett
Adam Janes
Phone Number: 709-597-6833
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AdamJanesRMT?mibextid=LQQJ4d
JC Massage Therapy LTD
22 Goff Avenue
Carbonear, NL
A1Y 1A6
Adam Janes
Phone Number: 709-597-6833
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AdamJanesRMT?mibextid=LQQJ4d
JC Massage Therapy LTD
22 Goff Avenue
Carbonear, NL
A1Y 1A6
Evenings / weekends
Direct billing
Wheelchair accessibility
Workplace NL
JC Massage Therapy LTD
Adam Squires
Phone Number: 7097825633
Paradise Physiotherapy 1386 Topsail Road (Suite 209)
Paradise, NL
A1L 1P6
Adam Squires
Phone Number: 7097825633
Fax: 7097823668
Paradise Physiotherapy 1386 Topsail Road (Suite 209)
Paradise, NL
A1L 1P6
Paradise Physiotherapy
Adam Wells
No therapist details provided
Adam Wells
Adriane Elliott
No therapist details provided
Adriane Elliott
Aimee Warr
No therapist details provided
Aimee Warr
Alamjot Ghuman
No therapist details provided
Alamjot Ghuman
Alanah Whiteway
No therapist details provided
Alanah Whiteway
Alanna Mahoney
No therapist details provided
Alanna Mahoney
Aleasha Kettle
Phone Number: 722-2300
St. John's Back Pain Clinic
1A Anderson Ave
St. John's, NL
Aleasha Kettle
Phone Number: 722-2300
St. John's Back Pain Clinic
1A Anderson Ave
St. John's, NL
Evenings / weekends
Direct billing
Alexandra Jim
No therapist details provided