This document is a working document. The more questions we get, the more we will update the information to the benefit of our members.
Continuing Education Units (CEU’s)
The College of Massage Therapists of Newfoundland and Labrador (CMTNL) and the Newfoundland and Labrador Massage Therapists’ Association (NLMTA) define Continuing Education Units (CEUs) as:
Any learning experience, post-graduation, which directly relates to massage therapy and enhances a massage therapists’ skill or practice. The governing bodies respect a massage therapists’ right to develop in their own unique direction and, therefore, this learning experience may include, but is not limited to: courses, workshops, conferences or self-study.
How long is my CEU cycle?
Three years – The current credit cycle is for the period: April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021. CEU’s are due on January 31st, 2021.
How many CEU’s do I need to complete in a cycle?
You will need to complete 30 CEUs each cycle, of which at least 20 must be Category A. Two hours of study or participation in an activity or course = 1 CEU.
For complete regulations on CEU’s and a list of approved CEU’s please see the CMTNL’s Continuing Education Policy and Guidelines for Members.
How do I find out about upcoming Continuing Education Courses?
Courses may be advertised by any of the following means:
Facebook – NLMTA page
There is a list of approved courses on the CMTNL website.
I need to complete a First Aid course for my CMTNL renewal. Do I need the Standard First Aid or the Emergency First Aid?
Emergency First Aid is sufficient for license renewal.
How do I get client files from a clinic I have left?
It is recommended that upon commencement of employment that all therapists have an employment contract that clearly outlines the custodian of files. This agreement will clarify who owns the files; either the therapist or the clinic. Without a contract the therapist runs the risk of losing their files. Any disputes will be on a case by case basis as per The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA). Note: It is within a clients’ right to request a copy of their file.
The clinic I left won’t give my contact information to my clients, now what?
This is an unfortunate situation that could have been avoided with an
employment contract!
Tell your clients that you plan to leave and how to contact you. Ensure that your contact information is up to date on the NLMTA website, clients can find you there!!
I feel like I am abandoning my clients, what are the rules on soliciting clients
when leaving a clinic to work elsewhere?
when leaving a clinic to work elsewhere?
If you leave a clinic without any client contact information you could get your
current contact information to your clients by; updating your information on the NLMTA website, posting in Social Media, using the bold sign at your new location or distributing flyers and posters in the area.
Please see Policy: Record Retention at or
It is the duty of a health care professional not to abandon a client. It is the position of the Association that a departing RMT has a responsibility to contact clients and notify them that they are leaving a practice. This may be done in person, by telephone or by a letter within a reasonable time frame. The purpose of this contact is to assist clients with transfer of care to another provider, if necessary, and to advise them of how they can access their health records in the future.
How do I become a member of the NLMTA?
Congratulations, you were successful in the Registration Exam!!
The CMTNL will send your information to the NLMTA.
The NLMTA will process your completed Registration Form and payment of fees.
NLMTA fees are separate from CMTNL fees!!
Professional Liability Insurance is then issued with your Registration
How do I access the member login on the NLMTA website? What’s my password? What can I do on the website?
Your username is EITHER your email address or a combination of your first and last name, separated by an underscore.
Jane Doe Username =
OR Jane Doe Username = Jane_Doe
Your password is set as your last name followed by the year.
Once you have access to the site please update your information; Your name as you would like the public to see it. Creating a new password can be found under Account Management. Upload map directions to your workplace under Longitude and Latitude. Under Description enter you bio, whatever you want the public to read. Tick the boxes that apply to you under the category Specialties. Click Update Profile to save your information.
Do I have to be licensed as well as Registered?
Once you complete your education and the registration exam you are technically licensed but, must then become registered!
You will be issued a registration number once you are registered with the
CMTNL and the NLMTA. You are now licensed to practice Massage Therapy in NL.
How do I set up direct billing for client Private Health Insurance companies?
Some of the common Health Insurance Companies that enable direct billing for Massage Therapy require that you register as a provider. The following is a list of contacts you might need:
Telus Portal 1-866-240-7492 (Great West Life, Manulife, Johnsons…)
Blue Cross Atlantic region 1-888-564-2155
Green Shield 1-888-711-1119
Some companies will send you an email, and/or link, when your payment summary is available. In order to access Johnsons clients’ payment summary you must register with;
EScripts 1-800-563-3274
What should I know about Liability Insurance Certificates?
Once you pay your fees to the NLMTA you will receive your liability insurance
from Lackner McLellan Insurance Ltd. Please keep a copy in your professional portfolio.
On a going forward basis, when completing CEU’s please ensure the course is specifically listed under your modality list!!
“…Your policy only insures you for the modalities listed on it…” – Page 2, Additional Modalities, Professional and General Liability Certificate of Insurance, Lackner McLellan Insurance Ltd.
To add a modality to your liability insurance contact the NLMTA and submit the appropriate certificate(s) of completion.
Change of business address or change of mailing address?
Please contact the NLMTA ASAP with your updated address.
P.O. Box 23212
Churchill Square
St. John’s NL A1B 4J9
Fax: 709-895-7767
Login to the NLMTA website and update your information.
I’ve paid my fees and didn’t get a receipt. What now?
Included in the Renewal Packages is an Invoice for your NLMTA fees. It clearly says on this Invoice to KEEP THIS FOR TAX PURPOSES. The Invoice acts as your receipt!! Should you require anything further please contact the NLMTA.
How can I find a Registered Massage Therapist who treats WorkplaceNL clients?
On the NLMTA website there is a search engine that will filter RMT’s who treat these clients.